Tuesday 27 September 2016


No man is above the law they say,  but in reality there ought to be a person above the law, the umpire of Justice, the best of man kind,  called into the hallowed chambers, the upholder and interpreter of law, a god of mankind. Only a person above the law can enforce same, only him is the giver of life to the ordinary letters of the law, the determinant of who or who not has broken the law, his yea is yea and his nay is nay, and only God can change his word's.

The calling of a lawyer is no ordinary one, only him does the work of God here on earth, the first and last profession in the universe. On the last day, when every man shall stand before God, only the lawyer shall sit side by side him, upholding the eternal law.

He is a minister, and his calling is no ordinary one, he holds in his hands the power of life and death,  at his words, thousands are killed, at his mercy thousands are spared. Millions pray daily at his court for his grace. He is no man, his calling is not of any man, elevated to the realms of gods.

My Lord, Your Worship, Your Grace, no ordinary man is called by that name. You must bow your head in worship when you enter his sacred court, the altar where the heads of men are sacrificed.

Aghe David.

Saturday 17 September 2016

Considering The Legal Profession? You should read this.

As a law student you are intrigued by your new names 'baby lawyer, the law', you stroll with your shoulders rubbing the sky in your intimidating White and Black on campus, with giant strides that makes every other faculties envious. You hear criticism from envious students of other faculties, they are quick to call you names, 'proud eagle, school choir'. The aura of the legal profession is so intense that non-law student dream to be one, no wonder the numerous application to faculties of law each year; buh slow down before you are mesmerized by the glory of this prestigious profession. You need to know this:

1. Prestige don't pay bills: No profession guarantees financial stability, and the legal profession is no exception. In fact, the chances are less favourable. That is, your chances that you will become mega rich instantly upon graduation from law school is very unlikely. Most lawyers maintain a stable middle class income, but the few that are entrepreneural amongst them show better financial prospects than their counterparts in other fields. In few words, the legal studies won't necessarily make you rich, your life chances and entrepreneural skill will.

2. A Good grade doesn't guarantee a Good career: The legal profession emphasizes skill over grade. Your clients most likely won't ask you what grade you graduated with, in fact,  they don't care. They are more concerned with how effectively you handle their matter. Grades are good indications of capability and necessary to secure a good job in a reputable law firm but in the end, only your skills count.

3. It's not all about the court room: Most people opt for legal profession because they think they can express themselves properly. Good oratory skill is an admirable skill for lawyers, but in the legal profession most of the drama takes place out of court. Sometimes writing skill is prided over speaking skill, most lawyers spend a large bulk of time preparing briefs, documents and agreements than they spend in front of a judge or magistrate. If you think is all about the talking, then you are probably mistaken.

4. You still have to do the math: The legal profession is not a safe heaven for those who have phobia for mathematics.  An average lawyer in practice does more mathematics than doctors and an average structural engineer, even tho the foremost is considered art, the latter, science. A Lawyer must do a lot of calculations to know exactly how much their client is entitled to. He must balance accounts, calculate interest rates, subtract depreciation, interprete economic statistics, interpret books of account, do business planning, calculate liquidity rate, evaluate shares and more. Although he may employ professionals to help with this, but he must understand what they are doing.

In the end, one thing is sure, you will have no regrets opting for law. Being a lawyer still remains one of the best things that can happen to you. People will treat you with more respect,  and you will see the world from the mirror of the law, fully aware of your legal rights. You will walk down the street with great pride fully armed with your knowledge of the law. For me, Legal Studies is a must for every living soul.

By: Aghe David

Sunday 21 February 2016

MARRIAGES TODAY (where did we go wrong?)

Marriage is meant to be a lifelong institution, not a cohabitation for a while as long as things were good. Today, Divorce lawyers seem to be making a fat purse from unending divorce suits accross the world. The marriages of our grandparents did stand the test of time, but today reverse is the case. I keep asking myself this question 'where did we go wrong?'

I once spoke to a young attorney who was recently called to bar, about the most challenging part of his practice. He said 'I didn't take family law in school, but my desk is full of divorce cases'. The question is, why do the so-called 'loving couple' resolve to annul their marriage?

I think western civilization has it fair share in the blame. When our grandparents were married, the was no such thing as 'divorce', once you are married, you are married, there is no backing out. Making couples aware of the fact that there is such an option as 'divorce', which even comes with additional benefits these days, such as: half the property of the spouse acquired during the marriage, legal maintenance of the divorcee by her ex-husband amongst others has made divorce a very attractive option.

Also, globalization has a hand in it, the emergence of globalization brought about activism for the rights of women. Married women are now under the 'insane delusion' that they are equals with their husband and as such they have equal right. It is my opinion, that inequality of rights between couples is a key ingredient to the sustainability of the marriages of our forefathers. 

Finally, changing societal values was the last straw that broke the camels back. We lost out on our 'invaluably' rich custom and values. Married women are no longer accorded special place in the society, what we have now embraced is the culture of 'baby-mama'; our ingenious invention for promoting promiscuity. I can't but allude to the biblical expression 'what we ought to be ashamed of, we are proud of'. We now raise 'career women' rather than 'caring mothers'.  

I don't seem to see a way out of this crisis that threatens the continuous existence of the institution of marriage. I therefore call on you, for suggestions. Let's salvage this institution together. 

Monday 15 February 2016


Darkness descended upon me in my youthful days
A lovely encounter, every woman prays
To a precious lover, she lays
Not to the hideous monster who steals away

The road I pass on several days
He laid siege for me on lonely lanes
Suddenly, he grabbed me with veins
Alas, he sprayed me on cold laze
I screamed from unbearable pains

He tore my clothes in many ways
Clogged me to the ground with heavy chains
Covered my mouth with all his veins
I shattered like a broken case
As he penetrated with monstrous veins

I took to a judge his case
They all questioned my virtuous ways
The world tormented me with hurtful gaze
Christened again with many names
Loose woman!
Of him, no one spoke again.


Rape is a social menace affecting mostly young women and girls generally, usually orchestrated by males (raping of males is an uncommon phenomenon). It involves having sexual intercourse with a woman without her consent, often accompanied by violence or threat of violence to the victims. The victims of rape are usually susceptible to diseases and infections not to talk of the psychological trauma they are exposed to which usually manifest in form of: self-hate, low self-esteem, poor self-worth, broken trust, fear, hatred for others, amongst others.

1.       1. In a suit of rape, proof of absence of consent of the victim is essential to its success.
2.       2. To prove rape, proof of penetration (i.e penetration of the female vagina by the male organ) is        required. Mere words, threats, or tearing of the victim’s cloth will not suffice. 
3.       3. A female cannot be charged with rape or procuring rape, even if she procures another person to rape the victim.
4.       4. Inserting of objects, such as a bottle, in the female vagina will not amount to rape. Even though a greater damage may have been done.
5.       5. As a defense to a suit of rape, a rapist may provide evidence that the victim is of loose morals and have had consensual sex with him in the past.
6.       6. In the face of the law, a husband cannot rape is wife as long as they are legally married.
7.       7. Any sexual intercourse with a girl that has not attained the age of 14years is rape, as a girl below the age of 14years is presumed in law not to be able to give consent to sex.

The legal attitude to rape is a very strict one, it can be seen to promote marital rape (since a husband cannot be charged with raping his wife), although there are reports of a husband having unconsented sex with his wife. The right of the husband to have sex with his wife extends even to when she is tired, fasting, or menstruating. In other to eliminate the ‘monster’ called rape the right of a husband to sex should be reviewed.

Also, the law on rape should be extended to cover cases of inserting of objects in a woman’s vagina.
Furthermore, giving evidence of the woman loose morals or previous consensual sex with the rapist should not have a bearing in a case of rape. A woman should have the freedom to have sex with whom she pleases, when she pleases.

In addition, the requirement of prove of penetration is barbaric. Witnesses testimony as well as the testimony of the victim should suffice.

Finally, a female who procures another person to rape the victim ought to be charged with rape together with the person she procures.

Monday 8 February 2016



A bad lawyer can let a case drag out for several years. A good lawyer can make it last even longer.

The lawyer's son wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, so he went to law school and graduated with honors. Then he went home to join his father's firm.
At the end of his first day at work, he rushed into his father's office and said, "Father, father! In one day I broke the Smith case that you've been working on for so long!"
His father yelled, "You idiot! We've been living on the funding of that case for ten years!"

A lawyer e-mailed a client: “Dear Jennifer: Thought I saw you on the street the other day. Crossed over to say hello, but it wasn’t you, so I went back. One tenth of an hour, your fee is $30.”

Attorney: "How was your first marriage terminated?"
Witness: "By death."
Attorney: "And by whose death was it terminated?"
Witness: "Guess."

Attorney: "Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?"
Witness: "All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight."

I was in juvenile court, prosecuting a teen suspected of burglary, when the judge asked everyone to stand and state his or her name and role for the court reporter.
"Leah Rauch, deputy prosecutor," I said.
"Linda Jones, probation officer."
"Sam Clark, public defender."
"John," said the teen who was on trial. "I’m the one who stole the truck."

Saturday 6 February 2016


The customary use of black and white has made many people find legal studies in Nigeria uninteresting. It has earned law students the nickname ‘choir’ or ‘waiter/waitress’ from envious people in other faculties. It is true that the use of the uniform helps to project the serious nature of the profession and promote orderliness, however, wearing the black and white can indeed be boring. Here are a few tips that can help you overcome the boredom and look trendy in your black and white.
1.    Wear a dotted tie: Dotted black ties look more attractive on your white than the customary black tie. There are a varieties of designs of black tie that you can wear that can help spice up your outlook other than the customary black tie.

2.       Wear trendy black gowns: black gowns look better on females that the customary white shirt and black skirt. Many stores offer many classy and trendy black gowns for an affordable price.

3.       Change your blazers and suits: it’s quite arguable that blazers look better and are more preferable on law students than cooperate suits. However, a double breasted suits can also work the magic. You may also change the color of the buttons on your double breasted suits to suit your taste.

4.       Change your shoes and bags: shoes and bags are an important aspect of dressing. Certain types of appearance fits certain type of shoes. You can change your shoes and bags to give your appearance a different look. This is applicable to both male and females.

5.       Wear classy shirts: not all whites are the same. These days, white shirts come in different designs and materials such that you can put on your white for five days without it looking as though you are wearing same whites.

6.       Waist coats and sweaters: waist coats and sweaters can also be used to spice up your dressing and give you a different look than you had on the previous day.

7.       Use of accessories: the law faculty does not permit the use of certain accessories but the use of wristwatches, and sun shades are not forbidden. Ladies are also permitted to use varieties of ear rings and necklace with certain restriction. You could find out about accessories not prohibited in your faculty and use them creatively.

8.       Be creative: this last tip is entirely up to you. As I usually would say GO GAGA! Wear anything that makes you look good as long as it is not prohibited. In fashion the rule is ‘there are no rules’.