Sunday 24 January 2016


The legal profession is a very prestigious profession, little wonder why most kids love to join the profession. The ultimate question remains this; 'Do you have what it takes to succeed in the profession'. Lawyers are looked upon with great respect, so the first ultimate fear of a new intake is whether he would be able to live up to the expectation of friends, family and relatives. A lawyer is expected to know everything or at least be better informed than his counterpart in other fields. The truth is that the moment you join the faculty of law, you have joined the faculty of war, and you have to keep up with certain standard of life; in dressing, speech, writing and etiquette. Here are some little tips that can help you be at ease in your new faculty.

It is natural that you will be enthusiastic about your choice of career, and you might be a little jumpy, willing to join every group, be in company of new friends and take new roles; but it helps a lot if you would just relax and take things slow. take your time to know your environment, friends and how the faculty works, the right combination of courses to take. what you do in your first weeks of resumption go a long way to determine your progress in the faculty.

You might want to assume that being in the faculty automatically makes you a genius and independent of advice from anyone. Nothing kills a new intake faster than a leap in the dark. It is always very helpful to take advice from senior colleagues, who have walked the path that you now walk.

3. CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS: The kind of company you keep goes a long way in determining where you would end up at the end of your journey in the faculty. keep friends whose goal are similar to yours. create small study groups and study law material before hand.

4. GATHER LAW MATERIAL AND PAST QUESTIONS: Nothing helps more than reading before hand and solving past questions long before test or examinations begins. Law materials are usually voluminous with a lot of cases and sections to memorize. Early reading would aid easy recollection.

5. LEARN TO USE THE LAW LIBRARY: The law library is an indispensable tool to law students. learning how to use the law library from your 100level days is a good way to start your journey in the faculty of law. learn how to use the law reports which are richly available in the law library as well as well insightful cases.

You should participate in all activities in the law faculty as well as the law dinner as it is designed to prepare for law school and the legal profession. You should be weary of joining groups, and you are advised to stay away from faculty politics in your first year.

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