Friday 3 February 2017


HE IS A LAWYER SO HE IS GATS TO BE RICH, so they pile of bills, ranging from society levies to family bills, nephew school fees, cousins medical fees and so on. Even at parties they reserve the high table for him; numerous invitation to be chairman of societies and clubs. So don't be surprise when you have a bulk of financial obligations awaiting you once you finish from law school, afterall they paid exorbitant fees for your law school. 'lawyer na big man abeg' that is the societal perception of the profession, I don't blame them much, 'cos even lawyer wey never chop sef must wear coat and tie'. Nothing is farther from the truth than the believe that all lawyers are rich.

HE IS A LAWYER SO HE MUST BE VERY BRILLIANT, lawyers and law students alike have a way of intimidating laymen with their presence and imposing inferiority complex on them.There is just this aura and ego about the way they do things that gives others the perception that they are brilliant. You dare not act brilliant in front of a lawyer, when he starts to speak those kind of grammar you do not understand ehn, even you will start to doubt your brilliance. He might say things like 'you do not have the jurisdiction to talk to me so everything you are saying now is void ab initio', but nothing is also farther than the truth than the believe that all lawyers are brilliant, some of them are doubtlessly outstanding.

LAWYERS ARE LIARS, there is general perception that lawyers are in the business of telling lies and twisting facts, contrary to this believe some of the most truthful and honest people you could meet in life are lawyers. Most lawyers are men of principles, and often men with unquestionable integrity.

LAWYERS ARE DECENT AND GENTLE PEOPLE, nothing is farther than the truth than this very one, don't try nonsense with your lawyer, he could break bottle on your head, and beat the hell out of you if you try to prove stubborn. *Smiles*, a lawyer is unlikely to this though, but don't think all lawyers are meek. There are those who go from the bar to bars, they can name every alcohol in the market, they know the names of all the clubs in town, and they could really beat life out of you if you 'do anyhow'. We call them 'criminal lawyers'

HE IS A LAWYER SO HE MUST KNOW HOW TO SPEAK AND WRITE GOOD ENGLISH, this is not so today anymore, some lawyer's spoken English is worse than that of Falz the bad guy. Although mastery of the English language ought to be a perequisite for legal education, but when you hear some lawyers address the court you will be wondering how they passed The Common Entrance English Language Examination.

LAWYERS ARE FAITHFUL SPOUSES, a friend once told me she likes to marry a lawyer because they are faithful. My laughter knew no bounds. I was wondering where she got that idea from until I heard it again from another person. Not only is this untrue, the reverse is in fact the truth. Coupled with their great appeals to the opposite sex, is their ingenuiety in dodging the truth, so the chances are that you will never catch him in the act.

LAWYERS ARE LAW ABIDING, rather than their knowledge of the law instilling some level of obedience to the law, it confers on them some sense of immunity, so you usually finding lawyers intelligently avoiding rules and regulations. Like flouting dress codes, avoiding dues, etc.

LAWYERS ARE BOOKWORM, it is true that the legal profession requires extensive reading, but the perception that law students and lawyers read to their death is untrue. Most law students and lawyers spend a ample amount of time engaging in social activities and attending social functions.

LAWYERS ARE BORING PEOPLE, the legal profession is easily associated with boredom, maybe for it customary use of white and black or the rigid nature of the profession; but in all honesty some of the most fun to be with and most fun loving people I have met are lawyers and law students. I agree that there is a negligible few of them who are boring, but on the majority, most lawyers are fun loving people.

MYTH 10:
LAWYERS ARE EGOISTIC, it is very easy for you to hear people say lawyers and law students are proud, this is usually nothing but for the personal inferiority they feel when they are around lawyers and law students. I have earlier mentioned the aura of lawyers, you need to be around one to know what that aura feels like. I tell you it is very easy for you to feel inferior or intimidated when a lawyer is around you, but this doesn't mean lawyers are proud. Do not mistake their aura and confidence for pride because of your own lack of confidence. Pride is a personal problem, it is not peculiar to lawyers.


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